Staff and Students of Richardson Reasearch Centre at Dr. Dai's conferral celebration.

Richardson Reasearch Centre staff and students celebrating new Dr. Magi's PR status.

Mr. Azad and Dr. Dharmasivam at Soirée for a Cure fundraiser event.

Miss Russell in action.

Dr. Magi being busy pipetting.

Miss Wejisinghe in a great mood after a successful experiment.

Staff and students at CBDD partaking in a microscopy tutorial held by Olympus.

Miss Russell preparing for finalisation of her honours project.

Dr. Dharmasivam examining in vitro anti-cancer activity of novel drugs.

Miss Phillipson patiently waiting for her results.

Prof. Des Richardson recieving the 2021 GRIDD Senior Research and Leadership Excellence Award.

2021 GRIDD Photo Competition - 2nd Prize Winner - Mahan Gholam Azad

2021 GRIDD Photo Competition - 1st Prize Winner - Dr. Mahendiran Dharmasivam

Prof. Des Richardson presents at the Brisbane Cancer Conference 2021

Prof. Des Richardson features a talk at the first Griffith Cancer Research Network (GCRN) symposium.

Dr. Dharmasivam features a talk at the first Griffith Cancer Research Network (GCRN) symposium.

Colleagues celebrating the successful run of the annual symposium - Griffith Cancer Research Network (GCRN).

1st prize winner for best presentation (5 min) sponsored by Merck - Mahan Gholam Azad

Tiffany Russell presents a great talk at the Student’s Symposium - Highly rated (Special Mention)