Research Services
Microscopy is at the core of Richardson Reasearch Centre, new sophisticated immunofluorescence microscopes are utilised by highly skilled researchers to probe for specific cellular targets and record any changes.
Imaging applications:
Live cells
Fixed cells
Whole animal imaging
Molecular Imaging
Richardson Reasearch Centre is well equipped with the latest cutting edge molecular biology devices allowing deep insights into mechanistic pathways of the cell. Researchers at Richardson Reasearch Centre are able to use the next generation of laser scanning system; Sapphire Biomolecular Imager. This allows for ultra-high definition fluorescence and phosphor imaging, avalanche photodiodes (APD) for near-infrared imaging and a CCD sensor for chemiluminescent and visible imaging.
Photo of Sapphire Biomolecular Imager utilised at CBDD
Medicinal Chemistry Lab
With a multidisciplinary research being a core focus at Richardson Reasearch Centre. A state of the art medicinal chemistry lab is where bright medicinal chemists design and synthesise novel potent anti-cancer therapeutic drugs.
Radiation Biology
Radiation biology is a great genre of techniques used at Richardson Reasearch Centre to investigate and analyse highly sophisticated mechanism which otherwise would be almost impossible to investigate. Through the use new generation gamma counter with advanced robotics and lead shielding, a number of radiation biology techniques can be undertaken with minimal exposure to the researcher. Iron-uptake studies using radioisotopes is one of the many examples of techniques utilised at Richardson Reasearch Centre.