In Press - ‘Ascorbate- and Iron Driven RedoxActivity of Dp44mT and Emodin Facilitates Peroxidation of Micelles and Bicelles. Biochim. Biophys. Acta’ - Biochim. Biophys. Acta – General Subjects.

This research paper which is in Press is titled ‘Ascorbate- and Iron Driven RedoxActivity of Dp44mT and Emodin Facilitates Peroxidation of Micelles and Bicelles. Biochim. Biophys. Acta’ by the following authors; Selyutina, O.Y., Kononova, P.A., Koshman, V.E., Shelepova, E.A., Gholam Azad, M., Afroz, R., Dharmasivam, M., Bernhardt, P.V., Polyakov, N.E. and Richardson, D.R. in the Biochim. Biophys. Acta – General Subjects.


Professor Richardson is recommended to join the Royal Society of Biology as a Fellow (FRSB)


In Press - ‘Melatonin-based therapeutics for atherosclerotic lesions and beyond: Focusing of macrophage mitophagy’ - Pharmacol. Res